eudaemonic- (adj.) producing happiness and well-being

Sunday, November 06, 2005

I'll admit it, I doubted the purchase a little, but my $200 plane ticket returned big time. My weekend in Texas was wonderful!!! It reminded me that even when I'm selfish and a misfit, the Lord has blessed me mucho grande! I'd say the trip was worth a love note from my Savior!

I left my apartment at 5 AM and caught the metro, and then the Amtrak train to Baltimore... where I was informed that I had missed my plane. They added my name to the next possible departure, making my takeoff a 9ner instead of a 7er. Oh well... I got a hot coco, found a seat and did two things that I had been itching to do- paint my nails and write in my journal! Hoooray! I love to write in my journal. There's something about paper that allows me to communicate truthfully. I don't have the concern of "keeping face," because my journal is just for me. It's like my soul sprouts lips. Well, I was able to write for a little bit and then catch the flight.

Chris picked me up at the airport and drove me to my parents house. It was a lovely ride. My Stephie met me at home and we drove to College Station. Then we picked up Katherine and Tamara and went to the Association where Edith and Meg were waiting for us. These people dropped what they were doing and spent their night with me! We got my ring (WHO6P)! The plan was to dunk the ring in ice cream at Swensens, but they aren't in business anymore. Not to fear! HEB has a lovely selection of ice cream so we went to survey their offered options. Carmel, whipped cream, chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry in the basket, Mom, Dad, Stephie and I checked out to gorge at home.

My grandparents came, Chris came, Jason and Elizabeth came, I got to see sweet Crystal's face (and left ring finger :O) )!

Tam, Kat, RoseAnn and I put our new golden fancies at the bottom of ice cream and went a diggin' without a spoon :O)

I looked around (after I wiped the chocolate off my face) and was just struck with gratitude at the people standing around me. I have been beyond blessed! I have the best family and friends possible. I'm not talking about the BFF that writes "stay cool" in your yearbook. No, these people are life changers. I feel understood when I'm around them. I feel loved in their presence. I'm joyful! There's a really corny quote that was being passed around on e-mail. You know the kind I'm talking about.... they're always followed by a "pass this on to 20 of your friends. If you don't you'll have bad hair for the rest of your life." However, it just might work in this instance since I know from where these people come from.

"The Lord puts some of His angels on the earth... they're called friends."

Yes, corny. Yes, dumb. Yes, these people aren't angels, but they are part of the grand tally- the blessing score.

So, what are we at? Gifts to Stephanie from God- 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000


Blogger megamoo06 said...

I don't know if you were aware or not, but we were all SO EXCITED to see your sweet face. You're an amazing person; that was proven by all of us at your house that night who couldn't think of a single better way to spend our time than to eat ham sandwiches and ice cream while listening to your Papa.

1:13 PM  
Blogger Kat said...

i'll second that sister

7:22 PM  
Blogger Kat said...

I just want to tell you that you are an AMAZING frIeND! I was supper excited about getting to spend thursday and friday morning and some of the afternoon talking to you! I really do miss you but I am glad that you are learning so much and experiencing different feelings from living up there out of the bubble. I am so thankful that the Lord has brought us together! xoxoxox

10:34 AM  

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