eudaemonic- (adj.) producing happiness and well-being

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Hi Meg :O). I’m still here and eating my daily word count for verbal health. My new favorite these days is bilk, as in sorry I bilked you out of happiness by not blogging. Nice aye? Useful, usable in everyday situations…Yessssssss… NEW WORD DANCE!!! (ba ba ba bum, snap snap clap) So, here’s the story. My internet works slower than Spray ‘n Wash on a blueberry stain and I’m as patient as a football fan waiting for the electricity man to show up Superbowl Sunday. Is Superbowl one word or two? Hummm… oh well :O) Anyway, the point is I’m a loser and have been writing for me on my un-Internet laptop. Through the technology of the thumb drive I have moved my musings to the hooked up computer. I think you introduced me to the T. drive too. Huh, cool man. So, here you go… a few for you… step in to my mind little one….

Sept. 4
He’s part of every children’s book, love song and limerick – he’s the Man in The Moon and boy, was he was out in full glory Thursday. I was thinking about the moon and how it has the ability to draw people in. I mean, that dadgum piece of rock is 238857 miles away and yet we’re told to reach for it, wish on it and some even dream to walk on it.

I went to the JV football game Thursday and rode the bus (my mother is the cheerleading sponsor so I rode it with the spirit squad too). I sat in the vinyl chair, gently swaddled by the girls’ chatter, staring at the moon. It made me laugh when I realized that I was there doing the same thing four years ago! I can remember sitting on the high school band bus looking out at the moon wondering who else was looking at the same thing. Okay, okay I actually thought about a certain boy on another bus who might have been staring at the moon too (tee hee :O) ) Anyway :O) the memory made me smile. Walking out of the bleachers, the moon was at eye level and awesomely huge. On the way home, once I was driving in my own car, I couldn’t keep my eyes off of it… it was just so big. That song about how we only have a set number of full moons in our life popped into my head.

“…………..” (I tried… I can’t remember, blast it)

This is my life and I want to live it ABUNDANTLY I want to say “Yes” to the Lord’s whisper/call/holler. I want to be where the Lord wants me to be… I want to look at the moon in a few years and think back to that night when I was reminded that my life may be my responsibility… you know, wear your seat belt, eat right, exercise a little to keep the ticker tocking… but it’s not really my life. I want to be on a path, the path, that I was made to be on.

Like, woah, that’s what I want.

Sept. 25
These days, 24-hours go by faster than my orange Popsicle supply, even the single packs. Moments whirl by and I don’t know where they go or… more maybe a better query is I don’t know why they’re in such a hurry to get there. I’m guessing there is one heck of a party for all the hours once they put in their time because that revolving door never stops spinning. Even without a permanent job, my days suffer from the double-time disease. However, sometimes there ARE moments that slow down. For instance, I was running tonight and the LIGHTING BUGS ARE OUT!!! It was phenomenal. I run on this road out by our house with lots of twists and tree-covered turns (think trees making a tunnel around the road), it’s dangerous because you can’t always see the cars coming, but oh is it nice for the unveiling of (one of my) favorite natural wonders. Setting the stage… I’m running on the yellow center line, watching my feet thump thump in between the solid lines. All of the sudden the fire bugs start talking to one another and little jewel flecks pop into the sky.

Wait, but that’s not all :O), before the sun even went down, there were these birds with white underbellies and wings. The sunset was so vibrant that the orange-red color was reflected onto the bird’s underside! It was really pretty.

Oct. 1
I had a happy weekend. Sigh, happy. It was the “Robin Reunion” in College Station. YES my sweet Robin bird flew in from Lubbock for a visit! Friday night Kat, Chapel, Rob, Amber and I went to Bennigans for dinner, rented a movie and had a grand old time. On Saturday I went to the L-1 tailgate (of course) and watched little bro do his corps thing. I think he’s the cutest/best/most distinguished one out there, but of course that mirrored last name makes my opinion a little biased. :O) Then I went to the lake with a bud and some of his friends — a family from Sri Lanka. WHOOP for the lake and WHOOP for new friends. They were so much fun. The dad is an Ag Eco prof, mom is very pregnant and little girl is three and entirely too cute and smart for her age. It was really fun. We then reconvened, got dinner to go from On the Border and watched the Green Mile. Oh happy day :O). I miss being with my friends, but weekends together really hit the spot. Sunday was good too. I saw sweet Edith and just enjoyed the company for the day. Whelp, there you go… a slightly neurotic, run-on sentence, non-organized post :O)



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