eudaemonic- (adj.) producing happiness and well-being

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

I was standing in the hallway of the Reliant Center for orientation when I felt a push on my legs. I looked down and a precious little blond-headed, blue eyed boy held out his miniature thumb and said “Gig ‘em.” He went around to every person in our orientation group and punched out his gig ‘em on their thighs. My heart melted a little.

I am so excited to start work tomorrow! We went on our tour and the two ladies in charge of us are so much fun! They are crack ups….. this is going to be entertaining!
I am back… and should really look into psychic friends network, because I was right about the fun part! I had such a good time… such a good time that it’s hard to write about it with adequate electricity without the spark of the present. However :O), there is one story that I’d like to share with you. It’s the story of my Tuesday.

I worked the early shift. I answered phones, made some copies, and walked all over the show area delivering. I had worn my high heel black boots to work that day (the only day I wore them) and my feet were killing me by noon. I’m talking crying pain. I got off at 8, but as one final errand, they needed both me and my co-worker Megan to escort two rodeo people the Director’s Club…. A few elevator floor dings later and we were done with our job. George Strait was playing that night so we decided to go listen for a bit. I was 2 cm. away from going home because my feet were upset… but we had floor passes and it would be a shame not to use them.

When we went down to the floor area we ran into our boss. She invited us over to where she was entertaining former President Bush and Barbra Bush. Yes… there we were on the floor of Reliant Arena… George Strait in front of me, the Bush secret service detail behind me (in Western wear :O) ) and Mr. and Mrs. Bush to my right. Our boss told us that as soon as he left we could have their seats… fast forward to my slow motion brush with a presidential leader. He walked right in front of me and nodded his head. Barbra was right behind him. Yes, I know this all sounds very strange, and I should probably pretend and play it cool…but I was quite excited. We took their seats, I in Barbra’s and Megan in G.H.B.’s…. they were still warm :O) (hehehe)

That concert was so so so great. I never doubted it, but George (the singer) has ten fingers. You know how I can say this so assuredly? BECAUSE I COULD SEE THEM FROM MY SEAT! Yes, that’s how close I was… or at least how close I felt :O).

The story isn’t over yet! In cue with the silencing of his final note to his final song, he jumped on the back of a horse and rode around the arena… he came to were we were sitting… I stuck my hand out… my right hand… he came closer… George Straight grabbed my hand!! Aaah.. forget trying to defend myself… I screamed like an InSync fan…I might have even been edging closer to Backstreet fan status at that time.

Then we ran out to where his busses were parked and he nodded at us! How do I know it that the nod was heading our way? We were the only people there! Yes, true story… I give my word… I give my right hand… that was touched by George Strait!